The gallery will be closed during the fair

The gallery will be closed during the fair
During November 2018 two big photos by Dutch photographer Willem van den Hoed can be seen in the lobby of the Hilton Hotel Amsterdam. Next to these works there is also a sculpture of corten steel by Dutch artist Pieter Obels
11- 14 October 2018 Willem van den Hoed | Pieter Obels | Martijn Schuppers For 4 days the impressive Bijlmerbajes is occupied by more than 70 XL artworks of contemporary artists and designers. A unique mix of monumental paintings and drawings, large sculptures, big...
Artist Talk: zondag 30 september. Willem van den Hoed zal dan in gesprek gaan over zijn tentoonstelling en werk met Etienne Boileau ( journalist, schrijver en kunstbemiddelaar). Programma: 15.15: inloop 15.30: start artist talk 16.30: borrel Graag RSVP wegens beperkte...
We are closed for the summerbreak untill September 7th and only open by appointment. We will open the new season on September 8th with Willem van den Hoed
Jae Ko in Powerlong Museum in Shanghai 08.07.18 - 08.10.18
Galerie Roger Katwijk now on Artsy
Facebook commission in their new headquarters in Washington DC
Although 10005 by Willem van den Hoed is sold out for years, Ed. 7/7 is now again availble. Please contact gallery for futher information
Recensie Het Parool 06.04.18